By Hedieh Mirahmadi Falco
Looking back, I can see now how all of my life has led me to my relationship with Jesus. All of the mistakes, the misunderstandings, the heartache. He was calling me all along. It sure didn’t feel like it at the time. For years, I strode full speed in the wrong direction. Then in another wrong direction. Rinse, repeat. Professionally, I was recognized as one of the best in my field. I worked through 4 Presidential administrations and my advice was sought out by decision makers at the highest levels of government. My work has probably prevented acts of terrorism. Saved lives. But do you want to know the truth? I was never at peace or felt real joy, not even at the height of my professional success. I felt empty and often said to myself, “How did I get here?” I won’t bore you with the details of my professional successes, since that’s not really the point. It’s enough to say that I exceeded even my family’s wildest dreams. But it wasn’t enough. I knew, deep down, it would never be enough.
When it finally snapped in me that the religious life of a Muslim wasn’t the answer, I returned to all of the same bad habits from way back when, filling the empty spaces with things that would never bring the peace I so desperately sought.
Maybe you can relate to this. Have you ever had one of those moments where you just can’t do it anymore? You’ve given all you have. Tried everything. And you’re just done? Lost. Falling. I prayed to God, please help me. I’m lost. That was the moment. In that moment, without even realizing I was doing it, I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, into my life. And He welcomed me with open arms. Immediately, I knew I wasn’t going to fall any more, ever again. I could feel Him supporting me. The weight in my chest felt as light as a feather. My fears were gone. My heart was free, filled with peace, love, joy. Jesus was there with me, by my side, providing everything I needed. He is still there with me, every moment of every day. The wonderful thing? He’s there for you too. He’s here for all of us. There is a story in the Bible, that speaks directly to my heart. Perhaps you have heard it. John recounts the day Jesus arrived in the town of Samaria. He was thirsty from his long journey, so the first thing He did upon entering the town was to go to a well. A woman was there, and Jesus asked her for a drink. She was shocked. She was not Jewish. Jews and Samaritans had no dealings with one another. And she was a woman. John tells us that even Jesus’s disciples were surprised that He was speaking with her.
He proceeds to tell her about her life and how she’s looking for love in all the wrong places. He promises her the water of life, which would forever quench her thirst for acceptance and love, when she instantly realizes He must be the Messiah because He knew her deepest secrets and needs. Though she knew nothing about what He was preaching, the miracles He performed elsewhere, or even about the Old Testament, she became one of the first evangelists for Christ. It was her faith and passion for the message of freedom that made her whole village run after Christ.
I love her story because her message of Jesus is simple. Come meet the Messiah–have faith in Him and He will set you free.
I come to you in much the same way. I am not a Bible scholar, I haven’t been a Believer my whole life, and none of my extended family members are even Christians. However, I have encountered the Son of the One living God that has changed my life forever. All of my past experiences were divinely engineered for such a time as this.
Very simply, Jesus has transformed my life. I was a broken woman, lost, afraid. But now? All of that is in the past. I was born again in Christ, the One who gave His life for me to be free, a priceless gift I didn’t earn and surely didn’t deserve. He placed in my heart the purpose to spread this message to anyone who would listen in hopes that it would inspire you to embark on a similar journey of liberation that comes simply by faith and Love Of Christ.
I want the same for you. I pray that my story touches your heart, just like the woman at the well’s story touched the hearts of those in her town. May you be like the people of Samaria and have your own encounter with Jesus. Then you, too, may know. He is here, right now. He is ready to help you. All you have to do is ask. Think of it as a personal invitation for A Jesus Encounter.
Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” Jn 4:39, NIV
Who knows? Perhaps you have come to a royal position for a time such as this.