Bible Resources
Why read a Bible? Reading the Bible goes deeper than knowing the history of a religion or culture. Most Christians believe the Bible is the actual, infallible word of God transmitted by the Holy Spirit to the prophets and apostles. It is timeless and eternal. Its wisdom is as applicable today as when it was written over 1500 years ago. Reading the Word of God, gives the reader insight into the personality and unfailing love of God for humanity, as well as His timeless wisdom for every aspect of our life. The stories of the Bible display God’s unfailing mercy and compassion for humanity from the Old Testament through the end of the New Testament. Not all parts of the Bible are easy to read, but none of it is unnecessary to the story, so pushing through those tough parts is encouraged.

Every version has the goal to make the Bible easier to understand while being accurate to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.
KJV – KING JAMES VERSION – Authorized by King James I of England in 1604 and finished in 1611. It was the standard for English speaking Protestants. This translation uses prose.
NKJV – NEW KING JAMES VERSION – Retains beauty and style of King James Version, but adds more of a modern English translation.

NIV – NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION – Intention to bring Bible readers more clarity of meaning. Inspired and founded by General Electric engineer – Howard Long.
NLT – NEW LIVING TRANSLATION – Translates entire thoughts and not just words.
AMP – AMPLIFIED VERSION – Translates through relevance and clarity by taking words and context to accurately translate to any language.
MSG – THE MESSAGE – This version was made with relevance, vitality, and direct language in mind. The translator himself desired to help readers feel what he felt when he read the Bible, but realized it wasn’t happening with the original Greek text.